Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy(hereinafter referred to as the "Privacy Policy") is located at, establishes theprocedure for collecting and processing personal data of users of the site and the services of Big Sister AI Company, a corporation whoseoffice registered in the State of Delaware at 651 N Broad St, Suite 201, cityof Middletown,ZIP Code 19709, New Castle County (hereinafter referred to as the "BigSister AI Company") and is mandatory for all users.Hereafter, the use ofthe terms "you", "to you", "your", etc. refers toany user of the Big Sister AI Company site and services. Please read the termsof this Privacy Policy before accessing and using Big Sister AI Companyservices.

1. Terms And Definitions

1.1. Site –is the website owned byBig Sister AI Company (hereinafter referred to as the "site", "BigSister AI Company site").

1.2. Big Sister AI Company – is a corporation withits registered office in the State of Delaware at 651 N Broad St, Suite 201, cityof Middletown,ZIP Code 19709, New Castle County.

1.3. User – every client, visitor or user of the Big Sister AI Companysite and services. If you are accessing or using the Big Sister AI CompanyServices on behalf of a particular company, institution or other entity, thenthe term "user" also fully includes such company, institution ororganization, and you represent and warrant that you are a representative ofthat company, institution or organization who has all necessary and sufficientauthority to act on its behalf and bind it to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

1.4. Services – all services of BigSister AI Company, in particular, related to the management of changes insales systems and training on these issues, provided and offered for use by BigSister AI Company to users in the manner and under the conditions establishedby the User Agreement of Big Sister AI Company, which is locatedat: (hereinafter referredto as "Services").

2. General Provisions

2.1. The collection of personal data when using the Big SisterAI Company site and services is carried out by Big Sister AI Company, acorporation with its registered office in the State of Delawareat 651 N Broad St, Suite 201, city of Middletown, ZIP Code19709, New Castle County.

2.2. Big Sister AI Company knows you care about what informationis collected about you and how it is used. Big Sister AI Company appreciatesyour trust, so we do it carefully and reasonably.

2.3. Big Sister AI Company collects and uses your personalinformation to provide you with and continually improve our Services, tocommunicate and interact with you, and to ensure your safety while using theBig Sister AI Company site and Services.

2.4. You should read this Privacy Policy carefully beforeaccessing and using the Big Sister AI Company Services. By using the Big SisterAI Company site and Services, you acknowledge that you have read and agree tothis Privacy Policy. If you do not accept and agree to the terms of thisPrivacy Policy, you must immediately stop using the Big Sister AI Company siteand Services. You may not use the Big Sister AI Company site and Services ifyou do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

2.5. You give Big Sister AI Company your express consent to thecollection and processing of your personal data in accordance with the purposesand methods set forth in this Privacy Policy and the Big Sister AI Company UserAgreement located at: /terms. Please read the terms of theBig Sister AI Company User Agreement before accessing and using the Big SisterAI Company Services.

2.6. You understand and agree that you are responsible for allactions you take while using the Big Sister AI Company site and Services, aswell as the actions of persons acting on your behalf while using the Big SisterAI Company site and Services. You also understand and acknowledge that yournegligence in the security and protection of your personal data and authorizationdata when using the Big Sister AI Company site and services may result in thirdparties gaining unauthorized access to your account, your personal data orother information. In such event, Big Sister AI Company shall not be liable forany damage or loss caused to you as a result of such unauthorized access.

3. What Information And Personal Data Does Big Sister Ai Company Collect

3.1. For the purposes set forth in this Privacy Policy and theBig Sister AI Company User Agreement, Big Sister AI Company may collect thefollowing information and personal data:

•   name, surname, patronymic of the user or the authorizedperson of the user;
•   contact phone number, e-mail address, as well as otherdetails of the user or the user's authorized person, necessary to create andregister a user account, sign up for a subscription or order Big Sister AICompany Services on other terms;
•   Cookies files – for the purpose of determining the operatingsystem, the type of user's devices, information about their operation, the browserused by the user, software and providing the user with Services dependent onthis;
•    IP-addressof the user.If you access the services of Big Sister AICompany or use them on behalf of a certain company, institution or otherorganization, then for the same purposes Big Sister AI Company may additionallycollect information about such company, institution or other organization(name, details, contact telephone numbers, e-mail address, etc.).

3.2. All information and data are collected on an "asis" basis and are not modified by Big Sister AI Company during thecollection process.

3.3. Big Sister AI Company does not process personal data thatpose a particular risk to the rights and freedoms of users, and does notcollect sensitive data (personal data about racial or ethnic origin, political,religious or ideological beliefs, membership in political parties andprofessional unions, criminal convictions, as well as data on health, sexuallife, biometric or genetic data).

3.4. You may do not provide certain information that Big SisterAI Company requests from you in the course of your use of the site and BigSister AI Company Services, but in this case the user functionality of thesite, as well as any Big Sister AI Company Services may be limited.

4. What Purpose Does Big Sister Ai Company Use Your Personal Information And Personal Data For

4.1. To provide users with Services related, in particular, tothe management of changes in sales systems and training on these issues, underthe terms of the Big Sister AI Company User Agreement.BigSister AI Company uses your personal information and personal data to acceptand process your orders for the provision of Services, to arrange and directlyprovide you with the Services you have selected under the terms of the BigSister AI Company User Agreement.

4.2. To improve the service and Services of Big SisterAI Company. BigSister AI Company uses your personal information to provide site and softwarefunctionality, content quality, performance analysis, error correction, serviceimprovement, usability and efficiency of Big Sister AI Company's site,software, content, and Services.

4.3. For recommendations and personalization. BigSister AI Company uses your personal information to:

•   recommendto you features, content and services that may be of interest to you;
•   determineyour preferences and personalize your experience using the site and Big SisterAI Company Services;
•   notifyyou of news or special offers from Big Sister AI Company.Youcan always opt out of receiving such communications and recommendations in therelevant notification email or in your account settings on the Big Sister AICompany site.

4.4. To communicate with users. BigSister AI Company uses your personal information (such as phone number oremail) to communicate with you in connection with your use of the Big Sister AICompany site and Services.

4.5. To ensure security, prevent fraud and comply with the law. BigSister AI Company uses your personal information to identify you as a user, toprotect your personal data, to prevent and detect fraud and abuse, to ensurethe safety of other users, Big Sister AI Company itself, its partners andcontractors, and to comply requirements of current legislation.

5. Storage And Transfer Of Information And Personal Data Of The User

5.1. Big Sister AI Company creates all conditions for theprotection of information and personal data of users in accordance with theterms of current legislation.

5.2. Big Sister AI Company does not disclose your personalinformation and personal data to any third party without your consent, exceptwhen Big Sister AI Company is compelled to do so in response to an appropriatelegal request by competent authorities to disclose such information.

5.3. Big Sister AI Company does not transfer your personalinformation and personal data to any third parties without your consent, unlessit is directly related to your use of the Big Sister AI Company Services in themanner and under the conditions specified in the Big Sister AI Company UserAgreement.Atthe same time, you understand and agree that in order to provide you withServices related, in particular, to the implementation of additional automationtools in sales processes and communication with clients, the selection,installation and settings (modification, configuration) of the appropriatesoftware, etc., the company Big Sister AI Company, in the manner and under theconditions specified in the User Agreement of Big Sister AI Company, mayinvolve its own partners, relevant contractors and third-party services(recommended to you and agreed with you suppliers of relevant software andautomation tools, hosting providers, cloud services, e-mail and electronicdocument management services, etc., hereinafter referred to as "servicesproviders").Youalso understand and agree that in order to enable you to transfer funds andmake payments in connection with your use of Big Sister AI Company Services,Big Sister AI Company engages financial companies and other financialinstitutions that, using their own Internet payment systems and / or other softwareand hardware products and complexes, provide payment transfer services, otherfinancial services, as well as relevant information and technology services(hereinafter referred to as "Internet payment systems").Therefore,you understand and agree that in the process of providing you with Servicesunder the conditions specified in the User Agreement of Big Sister AI Company,recommended to you and agreed with you services providers and Internet paymentsystems may have access to your personal information and the data they need toperform their respective functions, but they cannot use it for other purposes.In any case, you should familiarize yourself with the privacy terms of yourchosen services providers and Internet payment systems in advance.

5.4. You also understand and agree that in the course of ourbusiness development, Big Sister AI Company may transfer your data andinformation to its own subsidiaries, affiliates, successors in title of BigSister AI Company, who will in any case comply with the terms of this Policyprivacy as Big Sister AI Company itself.

6. Access To Information And Personal User Data

6.1. You can access, modify, supplement and/or delete yourinformation and personal data at any time by using your account settings on theBig Sister AI Company site or by contacting Big Sister AI Company directly.Atthe same time, you understand that your access to the functionality of the siteor Big Sister AI Company Services may be limited, suspended and/or terminatedfrom the moment you change or delete your information or data necessary to usethe relevant functionality or Services.

7. Changes To Privacy Policy

7.1. Big Sister AI Company reserves the right to change theterms of this Privacy Policy by posting a new version of it on the Big SisterAI Company site.

7.2. You should periodically review the terms of this PrivacyPolicy yourself to be informed of possible changes. If you do not agree to suchchanges, you must immediately stop using the Big Sister AI Company site andServices.

7.3. Big Sister AI Company is not responsible for damages andlosses that you may suffer as a result of your wrong understanding ormisunderstanding of the terms of this Privacy Policy, terms of use of the siteor Services of Big Sister AI Company, in particular regarding the procedure forposting your information and personal data and other technical issues.

8. Final Provisions

8.1. If under the applicable laws of the State of Delaware, USA,any provision of this Privacy Policy is found to be illegal or invalid in wholeor in part, tthis will not entail the recognition of illegal or invalid otherprovisions of this Privacy Policy or this Privacy Policy as a whole. Aprovision found to be illegal or invalid in whole or in part will be deemed notto be part of the terms of this Privacy Policy to the extent applicable, andthe legality, validity and enforceability of the other terms of this PrivacyPolicy will remain unaffected. A provision deemed illegal or invalid will bereplaced in whole or in part by Big Sister AI Company with a correspondinglegal and valid provision, subject to the content and purposes of the terms ofthis Privacy Policy.

8.2. All privacy disputes shall be resolved by negotiation basedon this Privacy Policy and the Big Sister AI Company User Agreement. Pre-trialsettlement of the dispute is mandatory.

8.3. In the event that an agreement cannot be reached throughnegotiations, the dispute shall be resolved in court at the location of BigSister AI Company in the manner determined by the applicable laws of the stateof Delaware, USA.

8.4. All special terms and definitions used in this PrivacyPolicy have the same meaning as those terms and definitions are used in the BigSister AI Company User Agreement located at: